Harvard-trained psychologist: 9 phrases people in healthy, thriving relationships don’t say

Harvard-trained psychologist: 9 phrases people in healthy, thriving relationships don’t say

In functional romantic relationships, it’s psychologically healthy to feel a deep sense of belonging and attachment. However, becoming overly reliant on another person to feel whole, healed and secure is not only harmful to our wellbeing — it can damage relationships over time. 

This behavior is often referred to in mental health circles as codependency. People in codependent relationships develop a strong, unhealthy devotion to their partner, often at the expense of their own needs, because their identity revolves around taking care of and gaining approval from the other person. 

As a Harvard-trained psychologist who frequently works with clients with relationship issues, I have found that healthy relationships of all kinds require trust, vulnerability, and some degree of interdependence, rather than codependence. 

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At its core, interdependence is an understanding that relationships are a collaboration. Hallmarks of interdependence are mutual support, shared decision making, healthy boundaries and honoring each other’s individuality.

Here are 9 phrases healthy, thriving and interdependent couples don’t say: 

1. ‘I don’t need anything’

2. ‘Everything is fine’

3. ‘I can’t say “no” to you’

4. ‘My feelings are not that big of a deal’

5. ‘Are you mad at me?’

6. ‘I can’t be alone’

7. ‘Never leave me’

8. ‘I’m not good enough’

9. ‘Do you really love me?’

How to create meaningful, interdependent connections

If you feel insecure in your relationship, try saying that directly. Talk about ways to make you and your partner feel loved and appreciated.

The important thing to remember is that people don’t become one when they’re in a relationship. They remain as two unique individuals with their own needs, wants and perspectives, who actively choose to share a key aspect of their lives.

As important as trust, intimacy and vulnerability are to the success of a couple, so is building your own self-esteem outside of the context of that relationship. 

Ultimately, maintaining our autonomy and remembering that we have the same value — with or without other people — is key to developing authentic, meaningful and healthy connections.

Dr. Cortney S. Warren, PhD, is a board-certified psychologist and author of “Letting Go of Your Ex.” She specializes in love addition and breakups, and received her clinical training at Harvard Medical School. She has written almost 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and delivered more than 75 presentations on the psychology of relationships. Follow her on Instagram @DrCortneyWarren.

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